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Best DJ Event Insurance: Get a Certificate of Liability in 60 Seconds

Get DJ Event Insurance in 60 Seconds

Get a $1M to $2M insurance policy by the hour, day, or month in 60 seconds or less.

Why do I need DJ insurance?

As a DJ myself, I know how hard it is to find the next gig and how much equipment and time it takes to put on these events. Thimble is an insurance company that DJs can use because its policies are made with them in mind. They will be there when you need them, whether it’s five minutes before a last-minute show or months before an important event.

What does DJ insurance cover?

The DJ Liability policy covers both General Liability and Professional Liability. Thimble sets up General Liability insurance to protect DJs from being sued for injuries to people or damage to other people’s property. Professional Liability Insurance protects DJs from claims of mistakes and omissions, or claims that professional services weren’t done well enough.

Third-Party, Non-Employee Bodily Injury

At a wedding that you are DJing, a guest trips over your microphone cable and injures himself. With Thimble, you’re covered.

Third-Party Property Damage

You’re setting up your DJ equipment and lose your grip on one of the speakers, dropping it on the client’s laptop. It’s beyond repair, and they want you to pay for its replacement. With Thimble, you’re covered.

Defense Costs

A venue says that when you took down your DJ gear after an event, you scratched up their brand-new wood floor in a big way. You know the scratch was there before you moved in, so you decide to go to court to defend yourself. A General Liability policy through Thimble can help pay for the costs of fighting this claim.

Errors & Omissions

A small financial company hires you as a DJ for a fundraiser you do every year. After the event, they say that the music you chose wasn’t right and that it was because of that that people left early. The company only reached 50% of their goal, and they blame you for that. With Thimble, you’re covered.

How much does DJ insurance cost?

Several things affect the cost of a DJ insurance policy. The risk of insuring your DJ business depends on things like your zip code, your coverage limit, the size of your team, and the length of your coverage.

With Thimble, you don’t have to buy expensive, long-term policies. You can get flexible DJ insurance that you can tailor to the month, day, or hour. Also, if you need to add Additional Insureds to your coverage, you can do it for free.

Get a quote from Thimble today to find out how much DJ insurance would cost you and your business. I have used them for all of my events and I couldn’t be happier!

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