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What is a SERP?

What is a SERP?

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

The Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the page that a search engine returns after a user submits a search query.

Paid search and pay-per-click (PPC) ads are commonly found alongside organic search results on search engine results pages (SERPs). Because consumers are more likely to click on results at the top of the page, ranking position on a SERP can be very competitive thanks to search engine optimization (SEO). SERPs are becoming significantly more sophisticated due to the introduction of schema markup in an attempt to anticipate user wants.

Websites that rank on the first page of Google search results receive more than 90% of consumer traffic. Don’t worry if your website isn’t there yet. BaseLynk can employ strategies to improve your ranking with our Search Engine Optimization service.

Paid Ads vs. Organic Listings

On a Google SERP, paid and organic listings look very similar.

The Benefit of Paid Ads

Google normally displays four paid adverts at the top of the search results page on a desktop computer and three on a mobile device. Because there are usually more than four businesses competing for the same search phrase, Google must also decide whose ads appear on the first page of results.

The bid price, the quality of the page people are led to when they click your ad, the quality of the ad itself, and the relevance to the search are all criteria Google evaluates when making that decision. You’ll appear on the first page if Google determines that your site is better and more relevant than the competitors.

The Significance of Organic Listings

Search engine optimization (SEO) includes an ever-changing set of tactics that help your site rank higher on SERPs. To acquire a good organic ranking, you need a high-quality site. The rules for ranking an organic listing are less clear when compared to paid ads. Google’s algorithm is continuously being tweaked in order to offer the best results, so it’s critical to remain on top of any new or upcoming SEO changes.

You can better strategize your content and site design if you know more about SERPs. It’s critical to stay current with Google’s policies in order to keep your site in good health and rank well.

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